

Here is an example of HTML usage of the player:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="swf/soundSpectrum.swf" width="410" height="20">
  <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=mysong.mp3" />


Parameter nameParameter description
mp3 The URL of the MP3 file to be played.
autoPlay 1 to auto-play.
showstop 1 to show the STOP button.
showvolume 1 to show the VOLUME button.
novisual 1 to not display the visualizer.
bgColor1 The color on the upper part of the background gradient.
bgColor2 The color on the lower part of the background gradient.
transPoint The point where bgColor1 transitions to bgColor2, between 0 and 255
btnColor The color of the buttons. Default 0xFFFFFF
hoverColor Hover color of the buttons. Default 0xFFFF00
slider1Color The color on the upper part of the progress bar gradient. Default 0xD6D6C2
slider2Color The color on the lower part of the progress bar gradient. Default 0x808074
trackColor The color of the track bar. Default 0xAEAE9E
sepColor The color of the bar separating the buttons. Default 0xAEAE9E